Willo's comments on the draft ... Reflections...... First and foremost. As evidenced by the McDoorman memo it has been recognized by the big dig czar, that all The Foxes, Gabes and Andy's of the world can do is crank numbers and drink beer. The way the draft was run, especially initially, was pityful. Where were the ?ICCS of the world when the machine had broken down? Where was the initiative?, the ingenuity? the workarounds from the masters?? One person was in downtown San Francisco studying his draft program when he should have been at the Condor Club getting familiar with pink tissues.Another was in Chicago lamenting that because he couldn't watch the grass grow, and the NCAA tournament hadn't started, he depended on this draft for his manhood. And the third degenerate, that being the "I can't call me an athlete, I'll be an umpire" decided to make the draft a telephone pool courtesy of his voice mail. I'll assure everyone that regardless of whatever the Mazins win it ain't enough to cover the phone bills. But then there is always his business. Upon reflection it is obvious to us management types that the current rotomanagement should be dismissed in a gentleman way however they should be retained for cranking the weekly numbers once the season begins. Other thoughts. Although one Mr. Gutless Gabes deplores the vision and aptitude of the Hogmen I would like for him to gaze upon his pitching staff and smile about all them wins that will not be going his way. BTW Mr. Commissioner, where's the 600 inning rule and where is your enforcement? Is this a scam or are you really alive? To the Hans...enjoyed your note about your son more than your draft picks. Well you always have next year to look forward to. To the Leathernuts CEO. If you left the country you may want to extend your visit. When you get back we'll tell you it was just a bad dream. To the Sobo. Not a bad effort from, as Albert says..a white Polish Texan hacker. Sorry to hear about Benes. Keep in mind that two areas that fluctuate the most are BA and ERA so don't get too comfortable over 1996 ratings. If you want to sweeten that Jackson let me know. To the Albert. Seeing how you had one eye on one hole (golf) and the other eye possibly on another hole, I can understand why your draft was so lousy. Well maybe you can draft some retreads at your Albertbuffet. And last but not least I want to congratulate Johnny Goodtimes for drafting players in the early rounds that I was going to take as part of my minor league draft next week. I appreciate the insight you provided. Also I'm looking for some easy money and was wondering if you could forego buying that new tent this year and make a side wager with the Willo. As a final thought just remember that balance is everything. Having musclemen don't necessarily mean wins and saves...so you fearsome threesome look out the Hogmen will be approaching. Mr. Baseball (and basketball)